Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Preview!--Just in case you missed it!
More to come soon!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Rules for Rehearsal and Backstage
Rules for Rehearsal and Backstage
1. No talking during rehearsal or backstage—exception production managers, Rod, Dave, and EAs
2. If it’s not your prop—DON’T TOUCH IT!!
3. Keep your props in one spot—not all over backstage
4. No talking over each other during group discussions
5. You are responsible for your prop—so put it back where you found it
6. When someone is having a “moment” step back and let their EA handle it
7. NO horsing around during practise or backstage
8. Stay on your side of the stage unless told to move—NO switching!!
9. When changing sides or costumes in the hallway, be quiet! People can hear you!
10. Only water is allowed backstage—NOTHING else! Please leave water bottle with your props. Also put your name on it
11. During practise—No ganging up on Jenn (she needs to concentrate)
12. No peaking behind the big red curtain—people can see you and it ruins the show
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Yes I am still alive and no I haven’t forgotten about you
Hello Blog Fans! I'm back!!! Sorry about the late post, I have just recently surfaced from a pile of numerous papers (got to love university life). Anyway, on to the latest instalment of my..memoirs of being Bright Lites production manager.
A few weeks ago I was sitting in the hallway between the Stage Craft room and the Drama room, with Lynden sitting next to me, avoiding work. I had some music going, Rihanna's "Umbrella" to be exact, Robbie (dear sweet Robbie) came out and started dancing and doing his own version of the moon walk like it was nobody's business. Also did you know that there are such things a black light bubbles? I didn't either! Moving on, on Friday because it was the day before Halloween, Dave brought out the disaster make-up stuff. So the kids were putting various bits and pieces through their limbs, foreheads, faces, ect, as well as giving themselves bruises in different places. They even studied a few actual bruises to make sure that they got the colour right (I love disaster make-up day. I remember walking by our member of parliament with half a pencil coming out of my arm..I've never seen someone look so stern haha). Felicia and I opted for a different plan. She and I, with keys to the kingdom in hand, we went down to the cage (aka the prop-room. This is called the cage because the door is a set of bars) and looked through the props.. As soon as I turned on the light Felicia began picking out props that she recognized from her favourite shows.
Today Colin, my Hommie G, was so cute! Joel painted a blue bear complete with matching eyebrows, onto his face with the glow paint. Then we took the handheld black light and shone it on his face so that he could see his beard glow in the mirror. He needless to say thoroughly inspected his beard by making various faces.
Also the other day, we were adding some finishing touches to a rather large prop (not going to disclose what it was, you'll just have to see come show time hehe, yes I'm evil ) and Colin and Shawn (not my bro) were helping me-those guys are so cool! Randy was watching us as he was waiting for John to take the rest of the Community Living Crew back to the centre. He seemed like he was just itching to paint, so I asked him "do you want to help paint Randy?' He of course said yes as soon as I finished my sentence (Randy is so awesome!). So I handed him my paint brush and off he went.
The Cinderella show shirts came in last week and some posters are up, so look out for them. Sean, Chris, and Lynden are in the Step Sistas poster and Sean is the Kiss dude in the other.
And now for a mushy bit, because it's my blog and I can haha:
I have learned and I am continuing to learn so much from these awesome people. I know that I have so much to learn from them yet and I can't wait tackle those lessons. It's refreshing how they take great joy from the little things in life, dance like nobody's watching, and appreciate someone more than we can even possibly fathom, just because you treat them like they're a human being. I must say that it totally makes my day to get a hug from all my homeslices, and to have Chris put his arm around me and say "I missed you buddy", because he had been working at the centre for the past couple of weeks.
So that's all for today, I hope you enjoyed it. I also hope that this blog helps to let those who are putting together a similar project or simply work/live with someone who has a developmental disability, that you are not alone. We all get frustrated, but those who make us frustrated appreciate us more than we can ever begin to fathum. Also remember that we need them just as much as they need us. Until another day,
p.s. please excuse any grammatical errors; I'm editing this rather fatigued. It will be cleaning it up better soon.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
JENN!!!!!!!!....What’s that??!!! Please don’t hurt me & Guys, you can hurt each other after the show!..I said AFTER the show!
Well, today, the all important words were said.." I need your cast bio" only to be followed by "what's that?" from the inexperienced cast members...mostly David. Now before I get into that, you're probably wondering "what the heck is up with the rather long title of this post." Ok, well the JENN!!!!!!! Part came from dear Mitchell, that's how he greets me EVERY time I see him, literally. I could have seen him five minutes before and I'm still greeted with JENN!! Although when I see him the first time, I get a rather warm hug (I like those). Today I was getting a lot of warm greetings because last week I wasn't really there at all (hence the lack of posts), but now I'm armed with material! Ok, back to the cast bios, it's that time of year again folks! The time when I get a lot of shrugging of shoulders and have to ask questions to steer them in the right direction. These questions usually consist of "what do you like about coming here every day? Or what do you play in the show? Or "are you excited for the show"? You get the idea. Unfortunately when it comes to the "what do you play in show question, I'm met a lot of the time with, "I don't know" because they literally don't know. This I have used to my advantage with the guys when they won't listen to me. I basically threaten to make them a flower if they won't listen. Crafty, yet evil, yet it works haha. But some of the more experienced cast members, like Robbie (bless his soul) know exactly what to tell me, and make sure that I get it down right. Robbie will literally watch me write and speak at the speed to which I'm writing, to make sure that I get everything down just so. It totally makes my day!
Ok, now to explain the rest of the title, well dear Jeremy, likes to end his sentences with "please don't hurt me" especially when he's being particularly cheeky, which he was today. I unfortunately can't remember what he said exactly. Speaking of hurting people, teenage boys are odd..and rather violent towards each other. Anyway back to my point, Lee decided to put Mitchell in a head lock and slam him into a few lockers to "toughen him up for football" well, me being the wonderful production manager, who is willing to look for a compromise in a situation said,"Guys! You can hurt each other after the show!" Lee of course replied, "this is the show" and slammed Mitchell into the lockers again (again..teenage boys are weird) and then I replied, "Guys, I said AFTER the show".
So that's all for today, I hope you enjoyed it. I also hope that this blog helps to let those who are putting together a similar project or simply work/live with someone who has a developmental disability, that you are not alone. We all get frustrated, but those who make us frustrated appreciate us more than we can ever begin to fathum. Also remember that we need them just as much as they need us. Until another day,
Sunday, October 4, 2009
On a different Note: To my Amazing Counter-Parts and 10th show baby!
Hello folks,
Seeing as this week wasn't particularly eventful, but it has been rather productive in the construction department. Things are coming along just nicely. We hope to start rehearsal about mid-November. So at the moment I'm accumulating cast-bios and creating a formal cast list. So nothing really exciting, just nit-picky theatre stuff.
But on a slightly different note, I was lying in bed one night, thinking about just exactly how many shows I had done (it came up in a conversation with my counter-parts last week) and holy moly, this will be my tenth show! What a way to celebrate my 10th show, with amazing people, and working on an amazing project! I would like to say to my amazing counter-parts, Regan, Delaney, and Darren, Kyle, and Allie you guys are amazing! I commend you all for taking this on, and sticking with it! And Allie, I look forward to working with you and your amazing organization skills, without which I would be a disorganized mess, due to the fact that you pick up on stuff that wouldn't think of. We make an amazing team! We all do!
Keep on truckin' guys!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Homeslices, birds, and Improv
I have come to realize something, those kids have a HUGE piece of my heart. Yes this post is going to be a bit mushier than the last one, but that's how I roll. Now I'm telling you that there is nothing better than dear sweet Jordyn (Jordie) looking at you, smiling ear to ear and laughing because she's happy. Or Jeremy looking at you and saying "you're nice" which he tends to do. It totally makes my day just that much better, when I've got a million things on the go and a blackberry to keep track of it all.
Ok now on to the events of the day, well today I painted glue onto the bird bodies with Aaron and Chris (2 awesome guys). Now we did this to make the cheese cloth that they're made with nice and stiff so they'll be easier to paint them ect. Our first somewhat finished bird is totally awesome by the way! Primarily thanks to John's handy work. Once we were finished, which was fairly soon, I went to clean up the brushes with Aaron's help, and I wish I had a camera. In the corner of the stage craft room (now if you have ever visited the Mount Baker Stage Craft room...it's a rather "creative" place needless to say) Jessica, Lee, Greg, and Jeremy were working away on a project and Jessica was looking through the plastic that was stored back there and carefully putting away what she didn't need. It was truly a kodak moment.
Then for the last 20 minutes of class we decided to mix it up a bit by doing some improv in the drama room. This is because last year Rod had always made a point of mixing it up occasionally, so we've decided to ,of course, carry on with this tradition. Now the way improve works is a few people start by coming up with a skit purely off the top of their heads and then someone from the audience yells "freeze" and the actors freeze in whatever position they are in. Then that audience member tags someone and assumes their position, and changes the skit entirely. Delaney and one of the guys from Dave's drama class started, and then Regan jumped in. Then before we knew it Rob (one of the special needs kids) jumped in and did beautifully! The drama kids helped him along when he got stuck (which is something that I have fallen victim to on more than one occassion. I'm basically a behind the scenes person for a reason). Then someone yelled "freeze" and tagged Rob out. But he was soon back in the game once he had thought of an idea. This happened a few times and you could tell he was having fun, especially when the film the "Dark Knight" came into the picture.
So that's all for today, I hope you enjoyed it. I also hope that this blog helps to let those who are putting together a similar project or simply work/live with someone who has a developmental disability, that you are not alone. We all get frustrated, but those who make us frustrated appreciate us more than we can ever begin to fathum. Also remember that we need them just as much as they need us. Until another day,
Friday, September 18, 2009
A Man, A Hot Knife, and Exploding Balloons
The direction being about my day-to-day experiences as production manager of a theatre project, based out of the local high school for young adults with developmental disabilities in my community. The name of our project is Bright Lites, because we are modeled after the Famous People Players. We are now building our second show, Cinderella, and already having a blast. This is my second year as production manager and I've already learned so much from those guys, my homeslices needless to say.
Now before I go into further detail, I would like to warn you in advance that meltdowns are common place and happen A LOT! But, you roll with the punches. Which is something that I knew going in because my older brother is Autistic. But I'm not sure how well my other assistants know this, but I think that I'll let them discover that on their own. Mainly because I could warn them to the high heavens that this one particular girl has been known to have several(4) huge, now when I say huge I mean "it's the end of the world, the sky is falling, the show can't go on if I don't have my white gloves" huge meltdowns in a 20 minute time period. But thanks to the wonderful EAs (Educational Assistants) and John from the Community Living Centre, we are able to roll with it.
Now to explain the title of this particular post, John is rather passionate about this project and the work he does contructing the various props is truly amazing! The way he just dives into formulating an idea on how to go about contructing a bird for example, and his enthusiasum and excitement is inspiring. It reminds me everyday why I continue to do this and want to pursue theatre. Anyway, back to the bird, he had made the most amazing bird head out of styrafoam(sp?) rings that he glued together and rounded off. It looked like he had simply made it all from one piece of styrafoam, rather than several! It was awesome! Anyway, we were brainstorming how we would solve our body and tail problem. This is because the balloons that we were going to use as a paper mache, or in our case ,cheesecloth mache mold would pop as soon as we put the cheese cloth on. The tail was still in the works. I somehow got on the topic of the hot knife that was in the stage craft room and how it could cut through the styrafoam like it was butter. Needless to say, John became rather intriged by this and began to ask more questions about this knife. For example, how it worked ect. I told him all about it, and he immediately began thinking that it would be awesome for shaping these bird heads. The next thing I know he's asking me where it was. Now to he's a very soft spoken gentle man, so these questions naturally came one at a time, and I could see the wheels turning in his head as he thought of the potential. So I pulled it out and he began to work with it. He was also working with it today (the smell is very distinctive because it's melting through the styrafoam).
So that's all for today, I hope you enjoy it. I also hope that this blog helps to let those who are putting together a similar project or simply work/live with someone who has a developmental disability, that you are not alone. We all get frustrated, but those who make us frustrated appreciate us more than we can ever begin to fathum. Also remember that we need them just as much as they need us.
Until tommorrow
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Joy found in a wonderful place!
I now have a bond with my brother, that well, only we really know the full magnitude of, and it's wonderful! I have also formed friendships with a few of the kids, that I couldn't imagine not having. And they just formed because they said "hey friend, I like you!" One can learn alot from these guys because they don't care what you look like, whether you're rich, poor, fat or skinny, they just like you because you're kind to them, and you give them a chance. How wonderful would our world be if we all thought that way? It would be pretty amazing!