Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
JENN!!!!!!!!....What’s that??!!! Please don’t hurt me & Guys, you can hurt each other after the show!..I said AFTER the show!
Well, today, the all important words were said.." I need your cast bio" only to be followed by "what's that?" from the inexperienced cast members...mostly David. Now before I get into that, you're probably wondering "what the heck is up with the rather long title of this post." Ok, well the JENN!!!!!!! Part came from dear Mitchell, that's how he greets me EVERY time I see him, literally. I could have seen him five minutes before and I'm still greeted with JENN!! Although when I see him the first time, I get a rather warm hug (I like those). Today I was getting a lot of warm greetings because last week I wasn't really there at all (hence the lack of posts), but now I'm armed with material! Ok, back to the cast bios, it's that time of year again folks! The time when I get a lot of shrugging of shoulders and have to ask questions to steer them in the right direction. These questions usually consist of "what do you like about coming here every day? Or what do you play in the show? Or "are you excited for the show"? You get the idea. Unfortunately when it comes to the "what do you play in show question, I'm met a lot of the time with, "I don't know" because they literally don't know. This I have used to my advantage with the guys when they won't listen to me. I basically threaten to make them a flower if they won't listen. Crafty, yet evil, yet it works haha. But some of the more experienced cast members, like Robbie (bless his soul) know exactly what to tell me, and make sure that I get it down right. Robbie will literally watch me write and speak at the speed to which I'm writing, to make sure that I get everything down just so. It totally makes my day!
Ok, now to explain the rest of the title, well dear Jeremy, likes to end his sentences with "please don't hurt me" especially when he's being particularly cheeky, which he was today. I unfortunately can't remember what he said exactly. Speaking of hurting people, teenage boys are odd..and rather violent towards each other. Anyway back to my point, Lee decided to put Mitchell in a head lock and slam him into a few lockers to "toughen him up for football" well, me being the wonderful production manager, who is willing to look for a compromise in a situation said,"Guys! You can hurt each other after the show!" Lee of course replied, "this is the show" and slammed Mitchell into the lockers again (again..teenage boys are weird) and then I replied, "Guys, I said AFTER the show".
So that's all for today, I hope you enjoyed it. I also hope that this blog helps to let those who are putting together a similar project or simply work/live with someone who has a developmental disability, that you are not alone. We all get frustrated, but those who make us frustrated appreciate us more than we can ever begin to fathum. Also remember that we need them just as much as they need us. Until another day,
Sunday, October 4, 2009
On a different Note: To my Amazing Counter-Parts and 10th show baby!
Hello folks,
Seeing as this week wasn't particularly eventful, but it has been rather productive in the construction department. Things are coming along just nicely. We hope to start rehearsal about mid-November. So at the moment I'm accumulating cast-bios and creating a formal cast list. So nothing really exciting, just nit-picky theatre stuff.
But on a slightly different note, I was lying in bed one night, thinking about just exactly how many shows I had done (it came up in a conversation with my counter-parts last week) and holy moly, this will be my tenth show! What a way to celebrate my 10th show, with amazing people, and working on an amazing project! I would like to say to my amazing counter-parts, Regan, Delaney, and Darren, Kyle, and Allie you guys are amazing! I commend you all for taking this on, and sticking with it! And Allie, I look forward to working with you and your amazing organization skills, without which I would be a disorganized mess, due to the fact that you pick up on stuff that wouldn't think of. We make an amazing team! We all do!
Keep on truckin' guys!