Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Rules for Rehearsal and Backstage

After doing Alice in Wonderland I have learned to lay out some rules for both practise and rehearsal. I try to make these rules the same as the rules that would be applied once we’re in the theatre. My mom had a bit of a giggle with some of them and I hope you do too! Enjoy! More to come soon!
Rules for Rehearsal and Backstage
1. No talking during rehearsal or backstage—exception production managers, Rod, Dave, and EAs
2. If it’s not your prop—DON’T TOUCH IT!!
3. Keep your props in one spot—not all over backstage
4. No talking over each other during group discussions
5. You are responsible for your prop—so put it back where you found it
6. When someone is having a “moment” step back and let their EA handle it
7. NO horsing around during practise or backstage
8. Stay on your side of the stage unless told to move—NO switching!!
9. When changing sides or costumes in the hallway, be quiet! People can hear you!
10. Only water is allowed backstage—NOTHING else! Please leave water bottle with your props. Also put your name on it
11. During practise—No ganging up on Jenn (she needs to concentrate)
12. No peaking behind the big red curtain—people can see you and it ruins the show

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